

django CMS Boilerplate Webpack follows django CMS good practices, and provides three layers of site template inheritance using {% extends %}. See Django template engine.

From the top down the three layers are:

  • user-selectable page templates (base.html), which inherit from:
  • base_root.html

base.html sets up the components that will rarely if ever need to be changed, and that you want to keep out of sight and out of mind as much as possible.

It contains fundamental HTML elements (<html> <body> and so on) so that these don’t need to be managed in inheriting templates.

It is also intended to be almost wholly content-agnostic - it doesn’t know or care about how your site’s pages are going to be structured, and shouldn’t need to. To this end it provides an empty {% block extend_root %}{% endblock %}, that inheriting templates will override to provide the page’s content.

In addition, Addons such as Aldryn News & Blog in the Divio Cloud Collection family of applications are designed to use the same JavaScript frameworks throughout, so there is no need for references to them to be made anywhere else than base_root.html.


content.html is the template that designers will be most interested in. It fills in the bare HTML elements of base.html, and allows page content structures and layouts (headings, divs, navigation menus and so on) to be created within {% block extend_root %}.

content.html contains an empty {% block content %}, that - in templates that extend it - is filled with {% placeholder content %} as well as width cues for images etc.

User-selectable page templates

Finally, users can select templates that inherit from base.html. Even if your project has one ‘standard’ template and some minor variations, it is wise for all of them to inherit from a base.html, so that they can all be edited independently. Even if your ‘standard’ template changes nothing in base.html, you should not be tempted to make base.html selectable by the user.

The following templates are always required:

  • 404.html for 404 error handling. You are not obliged to construct an elaborate and hilarious tribute to some trope in popular culture, because you are an adult.
  • 500.html for critical errors, only add generic html without template tags
  • base.html as entry point for {% extends %}


Global inclusion files should be added here, for example the navigation, django messages or tracking codes. Create additional /include folders within addons to avoid overcrowding this directory.

Page Templates

django CMS allows you to set CMS_TEMPLATES which can be chosen within the CMS by the user.


Page Types

You can save a CMS page as “Page Type” and re-use it later when creating a new page. Simply select Page > Save as Page Type .. and choose a name. You can create a new page by selecting Page > Add Page > New Page and choose the “Page type” you want to use. That drop down does not show up if there are no page types saved.

Page types are listed separately within the menu tree underneath Page Types. This allows you to change or delete them at any time if required.


Blocks and Placeholders

The content block {% block content %}{% endblock %} and placeholder {% placeholder content %} always need to be present within page templates.